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Detoxification in West Virginia

Addiction to prescription drugs has remained an ongoing problem for residents of West Virginia. In 2014, 26.2% of all drug rehab enrollments in West Virginia cited other opiates as their primary reason for entering treatment. The category known as other opiates includes non-prescription use of methadone, codeine, morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, opium, and other drugs with morphine-like effects. Coming in a close second as the most commonly reported substance of abuse among West Virginia drug rehab centers was alcohol addiction. 25.4% of the person's entering treatment in the state during 2014 listed alcohol as their primary substance of abuse.

West Virginia addiction treatment programs help residents with all kinds of drug and alcohol addiction problems. While not everyone who needs treatment receives care, those who do have the greatest chances of successfully putting their addiction problems behind them. They are then able to create a clean and sober life for themselves after treatment. For most clients, the first step of treatment is going through the detoxification and withdrawal process. Detox means no longer using one's drug of choice and letting the body rid itself of any remaining substances. This process brings on withdrawal symptoms, especially in persons who are physically addicted to their drug of choice.

When the detox process takes place in a treatment setting the recovering individual is able to receive medical services during their recovery. This often means that medications are used to handle the clients more painful and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. When medications are not necessary, the detox process often involves plenty of rest, healthy meals and counseling. As detox comes to an end, the person will often feel an improvement in their overall health, sleep quality and mental clarity. These benefits improve their focus and ability to process new information while continuing forward in their treatment program.

Treatment Listings By City (Click on a city to reveal listings)

Beckley Treatment Center

Clarksburg Comprehensive Treatment Ctr

Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Recovery Point of Huntington

Riverpark Hospital

Huntington Comprehensive Trt Center

Valley Healthcare System

Parkersburg Treatment Center

Westbrook Health Services

Highland Health Center

Charleston Comprehensive Treatment Ctr

Prestera Center for MH Services Inc

Martinsburg Institute

  • 223 Eagle School Road Martinsburg, WV. 25404
  • 304-263-1101

CAT 5 Substance Abuse Services

Northwood Health Systems

Wheeling Treatment Center

Williamson Comp Treatment Center

Need help finding treatment?

Choosing the correct treatment program for yourself or a family member can be one of the the most important decisions you ever make. With so many choices for treatment, and so many variables to consider, getting help from a knowledgeable addiction specialist who understands what types of treatment will work best is invaluable.

Our addiction specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have about treatment. All calls and services are completely free of charge and completely confidential. Start your recovery today!

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