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Detoxification in New Jersey

Heroin addiction continues to be an ongoing problem for residents of New Jersey. During 2013, New Jersey drug and alcohol rehab programs enrolled 26,835 individuals for heroin addiction treatment. Heroin addiction rehabilitation was the key reason behind the majority of addicts seeking treatment in 2013; in fact, 36.8% of all the admissions into New Jersey rehab centers during 2013 citied heroin addiction as their primary substance of abuse. Following heroin addiction the top substances of abuse sending New Jersey residents into treatment during 2013 included alcohol addiction, marijuana addiction and alcohol with a secondary drug addiction.

For the majority of addicted persons in treatment, the process begins with detox. Detoxification takes place when the person stops using drugs or alcohol and allows their body to rid itself of the remaining substances while managing their withdrawal symptoms. This process can bring on a number of uncomfortable, and at times life threatening withdrawal symptoms. Detox is best handled in a professional environment where the person's withdrawal symptoms can be managed and treated by medical professionals. There are a variety of detox options in New Jersey for addicted individuals to receive the professional help they need to manage their withdrawal symptoms.

When detox is handled on site in a drug rehab program the staff will conduct an intake consultation before the process begins. They will ask questions about the program participant's history, drug and alcohol use as well as medical issues. In addition to the intake consultation a medical evaluation will be conducted to ensure the program participant's physical and mental health before beginning.

Another option in New Jersey is medically supervised detox. These programs provide detox services prior to enrolling in a drug rehabilitation program. Supervised medical detox is necessary for people physically addicted to alcohol, heroin, other opiates, benzodiazepines and other prescription drugs. Whether detox is conducted on site in a New Jersey drug rehab or in a medically supervised detox facility, this process is only the first step on the road to sobriety. Additional addiction rehabilitation is necessary to help the person make the necessary personal changes to live a clean and sober lifestyle.

Treatment Listings By City (Click on a city to reveal listings)

Core Health Services

Summit Oaks Hospital

New Horizon Treatment Services Inc

Sunrise Detox II

Ocean Medical Services Inc

Sunrise Detox Center II Toms River

Maryville Inc

Need help finding treatment?

Choosing the correct treatment program for yourself or a family member can be one of the the most important decisions you ever make. With so many choices for treatment, and so many variables to consider, getting help from a knowledgeable addiction specialist who understands what types of treatment will work best is invaluable.

Our addiction specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have about treatment. All calls and services are completely free of charge and completely confidential. Start your recovery today!

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