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Detoxification in Pennsylvania

During 2014, Pennsylvania drug rehab programs enrolled 42,205 individuals for treatment. The largest portion of this group cited heroin as their primary substance of abuse. 15,962 individuals (37.8% of all drug rehab enrollments) entered Pennsylvania drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment centers for heroin addiction during 2014. The ratio of men to women seeking heroin addiction treatment in Pennsylvania during this year was 68.4% male and 31.6% female. Additional substances of abuse sending residents into treatment this same year included alcohol addiction, marijuana addiction and other opiates addiction.

Typically, most addicted persons need to go through detox prior to engaging in drug addiction rehabilitation. Pennsylvania detox programs help residents to come off the substances they are dependent on while managing their withdrawal symptoms. Many substances such as alcohol and heroin are physically addictive. The addict will experience extreme withdrawal symptoms if they discontinue using the substance cold turkey. Detox programs help these individuals with a tapering down program of prescription drugs that target their most severe withdrawal symptoms. Once detox is complete, many recovering individuals no longer need any prescription drugs to maintain their sobriety and are ready to move forward in their drug rehabilitation program.

Detox is sometimes offered on site at inpatient and residential drug rehab centers throughout Pennsylvania. These facilities employ a medical staff member around the clock to ensure their program participant's health and safety during the detox process. Other treatment centers have their clients attend a medical detox program prior to enrolling in their treatment facility. These stand alone detox centers provide twenty-four seven monitoring and care for their clients during their withdrawal period. Once the person's withdrawal symptoms have dissipated and they are no longer experiencing severe drug cravings they are ready to enter a drug rehab program. Completing detox without any additional addiction treatment will not help the addict recover. Detox must be an initial step in the recovery process, one that is then followed by effective drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation treatment.

Treatment Listings By City (Click on a city to reveal listings)

Clear Choices LLC

  • 373 Cleveland Street Rochester, PA. 15074
  • 724-775-7905

Twin Lakes Center for

Caron Treatment Centers

Clearbrook Manor

Malvern Institute

White Deer Run of York

Huntington Creek Recovery Center


Mountain Laurel Recovery Center

Cove Forge Behavorial Health System

Wrightsville Services LLC

Need help finding treatment?

Choosing the correct treatment program for yourself or a family member can be one of the the most important decisions you ever make. With so many choices for treatment, and so many variables to consider, getting help from a knowledgeable addiction specialist who understands what types of treatment will work best is invaluable.

Our addiction specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have about treatment. All calls and services are completely free of charge and completely confidential. Start your recovery today!

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