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Detoxification in Wyoming

The greatest drug threats to Wyoming residents during 2014 included alcohol, alcohol with a secondary drug, amphetamines and marijuana. These substances were responsible for sending a large number of individuals into Wyoming drug and alcohol rehab centers during 2014. Treatment centers enrolled 5,374 individuals for drug and alcohol addiction during 2014 with 65.4% of these admissions being male and 34.6% being female. The largest group to receive treatment was between the ages of 21-25 years old, and surprisingly their drug of choice was heroin.

Rehabilitation and recovery from addiction involves several steps. These steps are often different depending on what treatment program the person is enrolled in. However, for nearly every person recovering from addiction the first step is detox. Generally speaking, detox is a medical intervention process designed to safely help the addicted person through their most severe symptoms of withdrawal. Detoxification lays the groundwork for preparing the person to handle the more challenging facets of their rehabilitation program.

Unfortunately, detoxification comes with the burden of physical, emotional and mental effects known as withdrawal symptoms. Most addicts are familiar with withdrawal symptoms, and dread the detox process. For the addicted person, this phase of treatment is usually distressing. They realize that in addition to giving up their drug of choice, they will also feel experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

However, the pain and discomfort the person experiences during detox can be lessened. Wyoming has a number of medical detox programs as well as other professional treatment centers to help residents get through this initial phase of recovery. These programs are staffed with medical personnel skilled in treating the undesirable effects of withdrawal. Many times, the person's withdrawal symptoms will be managed using medications to ensure the detox process is as safe and tolerable for the program participant as possible.

Treatment Listings By City (Click on a city to reveal listings)

Wyoming Recovery

Cedar Mountain Center at

West Park Behavioral Health

Center of Hope

Volunteers of America Northern Rockies

Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

Ivinson Memorial Hospital

Southwest Counseling

Need help finding treatment?

Choosing the correct treatment program for yourself or a family member can be one of the the most important decisions you ever make. With so many choices for treatment, and so many variables to consider, getting help from a knowledgeable addiction specialist who understands what types of treatment will work best is invaluable.

Our addiction specialists are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have about treatment. All calls and services are completely free of charge and completely confidential. Start your recovery today!

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